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Uncommon Vessels
10-week online course to refresh & refocus your walk with the Lord

Each season I love to renew my vision of my season through encounters with the Lord. This Course will equip you will encounters to explore in your quiet time with the Lord.
EARLY BIRD PRICING through the end of January
Course includes a workbook with additional teachings and encounters for each week (choose digital or paperback copy when registering)
Go at your own pace! You will receive course content for the week via email with the email provided at it that week, or take your time!
Video teachings and links to other resources to go deeper in each week's topics included.
Need some Fresh fuel to Jump start
your quiet time with the Lord?
How do we live in a truly uncommon way?
Holy Spirit-led living is often the opposite of "normal". Invite God on your journey in a radical way with these ten Encounters that transform your thinking and renew your mind.
or find it anywhere books are sold.
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