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Not Your Fault

God put this on my heart for someone today... "I see you fighting with yourself until your heart is bruised and bloodied. I want you to know you are FORGIVEN. You forgive others, but you still need to forgive yourself. For you see faults in yourself where I see no faults. I did not create anything faulty. Shortcomings are not a FAULT of yours, but a missing the mark in the process of becoming perfected in My love. I am working on you, which means instructing and confronting issues of your past, but as I confront these things, I do so with healing. Let Me heal those parts that you have picked apart with criticism. I gently turn your head and heart from looking back to move you forward to what you're becoming. Because I am not behind you...I am before you making a do not continue to look back. Look to Me." Blessed is the one     whose transgressions are forgiven,     whose sins are covered. Blessed is the one     whose sin the Lord does not count against them     and in whose spirit is no deceit. Psalm 32:1-2 

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