For many this has been a time of confusion, trials, and set backs. As if you started taking your promised land and then hit snag after snag. You are not alone. In the Hebrew calendar, this is the month of Tamuz (or Tammuz) beginning late last month and running through this Sunday. I had been noticing many of these "snags" in my own journey as well as hearing many voices in the prophetic community reporting similar things. Tamuz in Hebrew history begins triumphantly. It holds anniversaries of Joshua stopping the sun to defeat his enemies in battle and Ezekiel's powerful vision and call to become a prophet. Then something happens. Similarly, some of you began the month with a lot of momentum. Starting the 9th day of Tamuz (the third of July) very different Biblical anniversaries begin arising. Jerusalem's walls are breached by King Nebuchadnezzar. The golden calf is offered by the Israelites in the desert, and in reaction Moses smashed the ten commandments. The daily sacrifices in the temple were discontinued. The walls of Jerusalem were breached AGAIN. "What is this??" I asked the Lord. "What is happening?". He led me to Job's first two chapters where Satan afflicts Job in order to try to get him to blame God for his hardship. For many people this is exactly what's happening now!!! Job 1:22 was highlighted to me. "In all of this, Job did NOT sin by CHARGING GOD WITH WRONGDOING". This is our key to not getting off track: KNOWING if you are experiencing set back it is NOT God who has brought this on you. Know that it IS God, however, who will bring you out. By blaming God we turn from OUR ALLY who will bring us through this time! God then took me to Judges 1:27-2:4. The tribes had all taken their allotted portions of the promised land, BUT they did not drive out those in the land as God had advised them to. These were peoples who did not trust in God or put stock in His ways, and they hung around. These represent thoughts or plans that contradict reliance on God. These are the thoughts that say, "God isn't making a way, so I need to make one on my own", or "Since God has brought these troubles on me, I'm withdrawing my heart and allegiance from Him". We may not openly subscribe to thoughts of doubt or self reliance, but even allowing them space is leaving them in the land. The way that God is leading you may not look logical and may feel counterintuitive which is why it becomes especially important to tune into His words only! The backward appearance may seem like a demotion or losing ground, but God is turning it into stair steps to take you higher! Judges tells us what happens when these thoughts that oppose God's love for us or His capabilities are left in the land. They "CONFINED" the people "not allowing them to come down into the plain". (Judges 1:34). Your progress is limited. The ground taken in your destiny is stunted. During this time of trails for many, it is EXTRA important not to allow double mindedness to occupy our minds or hearts. Despite how things may look, God's promises have not changed, and He has not gone back on His word. If you're in hard times, remember that if you do not turn away, and if you let God lead you through this, it will end in a multiplication!...Hold fast and don't be trapped by doubts! "The threshing floors will be filled with grain; the vats will overflow with new wine and oil. I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten—the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm- my great army that I sent among you. You will have plenty to eat, until you are full, and you will praise the name of the Lord your God, who has worked wonders for you;never again will my people be shamed. Then you will know that I am in Israel, that I am the Lord your God, and that there is no other; never again will my people be shamed. And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people.Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions". Joel 2:24-28
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